Sacred Harmony drum work

How does drumming support wellbeing? 

The therapeutic power of the drum supports wellbeing and the healing process through entrainment and resonance.


What are the benefits of therapeutic drumming?

Drumming can reduce anxiety and increase relaxation, support deep healing,  and support conscious day dreaming or trance states. 


When Drumming is combined with movement and singing it offers you the chance to freely express yourself. This can be such a joyful experience.


Processing sound is a full-body experience. As the frequency of therapeutic drum beats is heard by the ear and felt within the cells and tissues of your body as they take up the beat and you begin to resonate at this harmonic frequency.


The way the sound moves through us depends on the tension patterns we hold. When the drumming is taken up by the sensory centres of our body and light field (aura) and is transmitted to the brain through the nervous system, the body and mind is able to notice, feel and process stuck or discordant energy.


Drumming introduces a multiprocessing state of awareness. When your bodies (physical and subtle) and mind to work together, they are able to share information to support you to shift out of a stuck state.


Resting quietly for 10-20mins after therapeutic drumming helps you to integrate your experience and deeply listen. The integration phase can offer you an ‘Ah HA’ moment as a new way of looking at an experience is revealed.

TRE - empower yourself and learn how to de-stress and listen to your body’s natural wisdom.

What is TRE?

TRE is a series of tension and stress releasing exercises.  TRE teaches you how to work with your bodies natural tremoring and unwinding process, helping you to shake out excess adrenal charge, switch off your stress response, release discomfort and restore your body’s natural harmony and balance.


Most of us at some point or another find ourselves ignoring stress or adapting to the stressors in our life rather than resolving and switching off a stress response. Adapting to stress on a long term basis is known to exhaust the body’s reserves and interfere with the body’s natural functioning like sleep, digestion, hormonal balances to name a few.


What are the benefits of TRE?

  • TRE switches off the stress response, helps you to relax and restore your system to natural functioning.
  • Induces a deep state of rest that support mind body reconnection and integration. 
  • Deepens your ability to listen to, understand and respond to your body needs, safely and appropriately.
  • Enables you to begin to respond rather than react to life’s challenges.
  • This work teaches you to learn to listen to the wisdom of your body, and when used regularly and appropriately, reminds you how to consciously support your wellbeing.

guided meditation

Guided meditation for beginners.

These sessions can be done over zoom or in person. You are guided to unplug and settle into your inner world, where you will deeply relax and be supported to receive what you need. The sessions may incorporate various healing modalities like reiki, reiki drum, gong and other sound therapies. 


Sacred sound guided meditation for energy workers

These sessions can be done over zoom or in person.

This form of meditation is in itself an energy treatment.

You are guided to settle into your own eden space, an inner world, where you are held by your hearts light and the healing energies we work with. 

This is channelled sacred harmony sound and relaxation session weaves into form the light languages frequencies and essences that you most need. 

Each session is unique. The channelled light codes, frequencies and essences support the intention you or the group set at the beginning of the session for the work being done.

Energy Healing  sessions 

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a universal life force energy. When channelled into your body and energy field it is able to harmonise distorted vibrations, clear excess energies and replenish depleted energies. It balances and restores the energy in our cells, tissues, organs and body systems to their optimum range of vibratory rates thereby supporting our health and well-being. It helps to switch off the stress response, promote relaxation, balance your energy centres and support your body’s healing process. 

Holy Fire ® Reiki wellbeing treatment. 

This is an intuitively guided Reiki to support your deep relaxation and the energetic rebalancing of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

It may include a guided Reiki drum meditation to support your intentions and healing process. The practitioner will work with hands on and hands off the body. You will remain fully clothed for this treatment.

Angelic Harmony therapy wellbeing session.

(AHT) is a sound healing therapy guided by the light of the Archangels and is overseen by Archangels Metatron and Sandalphon.

AHT combines singing, toning with the archangels to create angelic vibrational essences that are channelled into the body and energy field.

These vibrational essences work to clear distortion and restore the divine blueprint and facilitate your bodies natural healing process.

A Pellowah healing wellbeing session.

What is Pellowah?

Pellowah is an angelic word that means  ‘a radical shift in consciousness’. The Pellowah energy of source works directly with your mind and spirit to bring and affect positive change in your life.

Sometimes in our lives we have experiences that are difficult to make sense of, where somehow the aftereffects or charge of an experience lingers, and we feel held by it.

Pellowah works with the root cause of an issue, helping what is unconscious to become conscious so that we become able to release it and are no longer held by our experiences or patterns.

The session takes about between 40- 55 minutes to complete. This process can be offered in person or over distance where you should lie down in the warm quiet space. Place something over your eyes to get the most out of the session.

Whether in person or distance give yourself additional time to rest and relax after these sessions because your body will need to integrate and ground the frequencies and essences received.

Training options

Certificated Training:

1. Training to become an Angelic Harmony Therapy Practitioner will awaken and align you to your Angelic Self. As you do the required toning practice, it will enable you to deepen your relationship to the archangels working with you, enable you to embody their angelic light and use your voice to channel the healing essences of the archangels your benefit or others that you treat.


2.Reiki training options

Reconnect to your own healing ability and learn how to channel the universal life force essence of Reiki to support your own wellbeing. You may wish to progress for your own benefit or become a practitioner to treat others.

You may choose to learn:

  1. Usui Reiki training levels 1, 2 and Master courses
  2. Japanese style Reiki  shoden, okuden, shinpiden courses
  3. Holy Fire ® Reiki training. Levels 1, 2, Art and Master Teacher levels

Karuna Master Holy Fire III  ® training  for Reiki Masters

Sacred Fire Reiki drum healing


3. Sacred Harmony Drum birthing

This is a 1 day Drum birthing course with an introduction to therapeutic drumming. This full day course covers many aspects and you will learn:

  • About the benefits of drumming (experiential and theoretical)
  • How to care for drum and tune your drum
  • How intention, imagery and drumming work together
  • How to create your own drum and beater
  • Learn how rest and relaxation supports your body’s healing process.


4. Reiki Sacred Flame drum birthing is a  2 day drum birthing and practitioner course for Reiki practitioners, shamanic practitioners, energy workers or sound healers. See more under drum birthing and commissions.